Travel to deep space with Elite's massive new fleet of carriers.

Travel to deep space with Elite's massive new fleet of carriers.

A new update to the space sim Elite Dangerous, released today for free, adds a massive fleet carrier ship to the game that fills the screen. This massive ship can travel 500 light years in a single jump, ideal for deep space exploration. For some perspective, the default jump range of a basic Sidewinder is only 7.5 light years.

However, one must pay for the privilege of commanding such a thing. The price is about 5,000,000,000 credits (yes, 5 billion). In return, you get access to 16 landing pads. That means you can ferry entire squadrons of ships around the galaxy. Don't worry: You get to decide who lands on your ship, so no hop-ons occur.

Fleet carriers are essentially mobile space stations, allowing you to fly one to a distant star system and make a new home for you and your crew aboard. Carriers receive the same services as a regular station, such as outfitting, repairing, and buying and selling merchandise. However, they must pay maintenance fees to keep the ship running, and failure to do so can result in the ship being decommissioned and scrapped.

Fleet carriers are available now, but you will need Elite Dangerous: Horizons to purchase one yourself. If you are a new player, you probably won't immediately earn the 5 billion credits needed to purchase one. But for avid players, it will be a goal. And next year, the "Odyssey" update awaits, which will finally allow you to explore the planet on foot.
