Gameplay footage of "Second Extinction" in which humans battle a herd of mutant dinosaurs.

Gameplay footage of "Second Extinction" in which humans battle a herd of mutant dinosaurs.

Second Extinction is a 3-player co-op FPS, kind of like Left 4 Dead, but instead of fighting zombies, you fight a bunch of dinosaurs. Mutant Dinosaurs.

These mutated dinosaurs have taken over the Earth, though no one really knows where they even came from. The remaining humans have fled Earth to an orbiting space station, but they return with a lot of guns to reclaim the planet, search for survivors, and find out what caused this dinosaur invasion in the first place.

Dinosaurs have always been dangerous enemies, but even more so since their mutations have given them special abilities like invisibility and acid attacks. But humans are no slouches either. Armed with upgradeable weapons, they can drop supplies and call in air strikes.

Below, you can check out a 10-minute gameplay video of "Second Extinction" in which the developers chat with IGN and blow up hundreds of dinosaurs.
