Intense retro shooter "Ultrakill" is even more metal than "Doom".

Intense retro shooter "Ultrakill" is even more metal than "Doom".

You know those imps that throw fireballs at you in Doom? Have you ever wanted to be badass enough to hit the fireball back with your bare fists instead of avoiding it?

Welcome to "Ultra Kill." It's an incredibly fast-paced retro shooter that might be more metal than "Doom." Gross. But very effective! And there's a lot of blood.

I played a bit of "Ultrakill" this week and this game is no joke. If you thought Doom Eternal was fast, then I hope your reflexes have been upped a notch. Speedy as hell, you can climb walls and fly around at breakneck speed with vicious knee kicks that send sparks flying. He can also leap into the air and slam into the ground like a meteor, sending a shockwave through his enemies.

Not many games give you massive power before you even get your first gun, but "Ultra Kill" is just such a game. And once you have the gun, things only get bloodier.

The speed of the enemies is also shocking. When the first enemy came running at me, I genuinely yelled out, "Jesus! I yelled out loud. If you slow down for even a second, you will be swarmed, torn to shreds, burned in flames, and killed. [You can see footage of Ultrakill in the New Blood Interactive section of The PC Gaming Show:

I never did very well with Ultrakill. At one point, I encountered a monster who blasted me with something I couldn't hit back, and grinding him down while bouncing off the walls (trying to get under it and bathe in the sweet, sweet blood being sprayed at me) wasn't enough to keep me alive for long. But my reflexes aren't what they used to be. I know you can do better.

Ultrakill is due out this summer; see the Steam page here.
