Apex Legends Comes to Steam, Cross-Play Now Available

Apex Legends Comes to Steam, Cross-Play Now Available

If launching a game from Steam launches another launcher, namely EA's Origin, is the game really "on Steam"? That's debatable, but for the sake of simplicity, let's just say that "Apex Legends" is coming to Steam this fall.

In fact, EA is in the process of bringing all of its games to Steam, with "The Sims 4," "Titanfall 2," and several others added earlier today.

Apex Legends is perhaps the most complex EA game to make the leap, given its livelihood. Respawn also announced that Apex Legends will support cross-play covering Origin, Steam, Xbox One, PS4, and the new Switch version; how Respawn will handle the keyboard and mouse versus controller issue is currently unknown.

As with the Steam version, cross-play is expected to appear in the fall.
