Star Wars: Squadrons" will have "zero microtransactions"

Star Wars: Squadrons" will have "zero microtransactions"

We noted in our recent Star Wars: Squadrons article that the game has two types of unlockables: cosmetics and mods, but Electronic Arts did not comment on the presence of microtransactions in the game. Today, Electronic Arts clarified the situation: there are no microtransactions at all. [Ian Frazier, creative director of Motive Studios, told Game Informer, "Our thinking is very old-fashioned. We're trying to say with this game, at the $40 price point, we want players to feel like they're getting a generous, complete experience, and they're paying $40 for it." Here is a game you will love. Thank you. That's all I have to say."

"This is not built around a live service strategy. It is built around a great game that is complete in itself. That is not to say that we will never add anything to it.

From my reading, "not offering it as a live service" is a pretty vague and open-ended statement. Fortunately, Mitch Dyer, a writer for Squadrons, weighed in on the matter and explained it quite clearly.

It is still possible that "Star Wars: Squadrons" will add microtransactions at some point after release, but as far as the state of the game at launch, this is pretty much a given.

While I'm still not entirely in love with Star Wars: Squadrons (where's my TIE Defender, EA?), one Star Wars fan, former EIC Samuel Roberts, returned to these pages today to talk about why. It's out October 2.

Thanks, GamesRadar.
