Chris Avellon accused of sexual misconduct by several women.

Chris Avellon accused of sexual misconduct by several women.

Renowned game writer Chris Avelone has been the subject of multiple allegations of predatory behavior and sexual misconduct following an interview by IGN with Emily Grace Buck, with whom he worked on the upcoming RPG The Waylanders. In response to tweets about the interview, Twitter user Carissa described her own experiences, including personal interactions with Avelone at conventions and Avelone's behavior toward others.

"I have no interest in anything from a man who preys on young women (no age verification), gets them drunk and takes them to his hotel room, shows up late to panels, gets a little drunk, treats his fans and peers badly, and has been blacklisted from at least one big con," Carissa tweeted She added, "I'm not interested in being blacklisted from at least one big con. She asked PC Gamer to omit her last name, as she has received death threats from the public since coming forward with the allegations.

She further elaborated on the encounter in a follow-up tweet the next day. "He got me drunk on Midori sours (on the company's dime). He and two friends somehow got me back to the room, where he attacked me in front of the other guys. They left after a while (still drunk) and one of them told me what he witnessed the next night. When I woke up that morning, I had the vague impression that someone was making out with me, but I thought it was a dream," she wrote.

"When I asked Chris about it, he told me that I had rejected him after all. When that night came back to me, I realized that the only reason I could have rejected him while I was unconscious was because I was on my period that weekend. The only reason."

Carissa said that she witnessed Avelone doing the same with several other women at the event and eventually, encouraged by two men who had also noticed his behavior, reported him to the organizers, who immediately blacklisted him.

"His behavior did not stop. Instead, it got worse. It took years for his employer to finally fire him (honestly, I don't remember the exact reason given to him. 'He moved on to another studio. He moved to another project. He moved to another studio, joined another project, joined another convention. I, like many of my dear friends, erased him from my memory and only discussed our anger and disgust when he happened to pop up.

"I didn't bother to blow this off until today because work has been crazy all week, but now I have time. Chris Avellone is an abusive, callous, devious sexual predator. People have tried to get him to help them. He refused and continued. Please stop glamorizing him."

The tweet prompted similar allegations from other women, describing similar acts dating back several years. Jackie Collins, Riot Games' PR representative for Valorant, shared an image of a text message she exchanged with Avellone in 2013. 'I have forgiven Chris. But I have never forgotten."

Avelone acknowledged the allegations against him, but also implied that he was unaware of any wrongdoing and that the complaints surprised him. He tweeted in response to Carissa's initial allegations, "I never intended to harm you and thought our relationship was going well until I sent you off."

"That said, if there is nothing I can do to apologize, I understand and there is nothing more I can do."

After the allegations came to light, Buck (who was interviewed by IGN in the wake of the series of allegations) said on Twitter that Avelone's contract as a screenwriter for Waylanders had expired the previous week. She also said that Avelone "wrote very little" for the game and that she would review all his scenes in light of the allegations. Waylanders developer Gato Studio confirmed Avellone's departure from the game in a separate statement.

"Chris Avellone is no longer associated with Gato Salvaje Studio or the Waylanders project. Chris was the design contractor for "Waylanders". As of last week, Chris' contract is complete and the content provided will be evaluated as development progresses.

"Studio Gato Salvaje and the "Waylanders" team take issues related to abuse and looting very seriously and take a stand against such acts as allegedly occurred in the story shared over the weekend.

Paradox Interactive, publisher of Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, has also distanced itself from Avelone, who announced he would be writing the game in March 2019." Chris Avellone worked briefly with the "Bloodlines 2" writing team early in the game's development," the agent said." However, through an iterative creative process, none of his contributions remain in the game as Hardsuit Labs continues to develop it."

In a statement, Techland said that after an investigation, it has ended its partnership with Averone on Dying Light 2. Averone was revealed to be the game's high-profile scenario designer when the game was announced in 2018.

"We treat issues related to sexual harassment and disrespect with the utmost care and have no tolerance for such behavior. As such, we are currently investigating the matter closely." For this reason, we have decided, along with Chris Avellone, to terminate our cooperation.

We will continue to follow this story and update it as more information becomes available.

