Telltale's "Monkey Island" Game Returns on Steam and GOG

Telltale's "Monkey Island" Game Returns on Steam and GOG

When Telltale Games closed in 2018, several of their games were delisted, first on Steam and then on other storefronts. Players who had already purchased the series, such as Back to the Future and Tales of Monkey Island (a five-part sequel to the LucasArts series in which Dominic Armato returned as the voice of the self-proclaimed most powerful pirate Guybrush Sleepwood), could still access their copies, but the sale had ended.

Some Telltale games have since been resurrected, such as the definitive edition of "The Walking Dead" and the "Shadow Edition" of "Batman," but others remain missing. So far, "Tales of Monkey Island" has been one of them, but with little fanfare, it has returned to both Steam and GOG with Athlon Games listed as the publisher, and is on half price sale on both.

Tales may not be the most beloved of Monkey Island titles, but it's good to have the entire series available again. However, several of Telltale's other games, such as Tales of the Borderlands, are still unavailable.
