Electronic Arts Promises to Investigate All Allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Abuse

Electronic Arts Promises to Investigate All Allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Abuse
[Electronic Arts released a statement saying that it takes seriously and will investigate all complaints of harassment and abuse in its community, following a number of allegations of sexual misconduct and assault in the video game industry that aired last week.

"Over the past few days we have seen and heard many disturbing stories of sexual harassment, abuse, and misconduct in our industry. Such behavior will not be tolerated in our community or in any other community. Electronic Arts supports all those who have come forward to report abuse and urges anyone who has experienced any form of harassment or sexual misconduct in our community to come forward," EA said.

"We take all allegations seriously and will investigate. We are deeply committed to ensuring a safe space for people to come forward and do the right thing for our community. From the stories we have heard recently, it is clear that there is still much work to be done in our industry."

Employees who encounter harassment or abuse are encouraged to report it to their supervisor or People Experience Leader or anonymously through the Raise a Concern program. Players who encounter abuse by other members of the community or EA staff within a game may report most such incidents through their individual games, as detailed here.

"Whether you are an employee, creator, player, or anyone else, being part of the gaming community should be a positive, fun, fair, inclusive, and most importantly safe experience. This is part of our commitment to Positive Play and we will continue to act upon it."

Earlier this month, Electronic Arts also outlined basic guidelines for player behavior in its "Positive Play" charter, ranging from "don't be a jerk" to following local laws, and warned that "repeated or severe violations" could result in permanent EA account He warned that they could be suspended and promised to step up efforts to combat harmful behavior in the game.
