Ubisoft CEO Promises "Structural Transformation" to Address Workplace Toxicity

Ubisoft CEO Promises "Structural Transformation" to Address Workplace Toxicity

A little over a week after Ubisoft announced that it was "looking very closely" into allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct against several employees, CEO Yves Guillemot issued an official statement promising reforms, including reorganizing the editorial department, "transforming" the HR process, and increasing management accountability

"You have a lot of work to do.

"The situation some of you have experienced or witnessed is absolutely unacceptable. No one should ever be harassed or disrespected in the workplace, and inappropriate behavior, as we have recently learned, will not be tolerated." To those of you who have raised your voices and supported your colleagues, let me be very clear: we do not condone any of this.

"We have important work to do to improve the way we operate and collaborate. I am personally committed to ensuring that these fundamental reforms are implemented."

Guillemot said Ubisoft is trying to make a "structural shift" away from harmful behavior. To push for this, he appointed Lidwin Sauer, previously a project director at Ubisoft's Strategic Innovation Lab, as director of workplace culture. Sauer, who will report directly to Guillemot, is "empowered to examine all aspects of corporate culture and recommend comprehensive changes that will benefit all employees."

Ubisoft will also hold a series of "listening sessions" moderated by outside parties at all locations, create and launch a global anonymous survey, hire an outside consulting firm to review and improve procedures and policies, and appoint a manager reporting directly to Guilmot, " Head of Diversity and Inclusion" will be created.

Regarding the sexual assault accusations against some employees, Gilmot said that an investigation by an outside agency is still ongoing.

"I know many of you are eager to hear the results of these investigations. But we must take the necessary time to ensure that the investigation is conducted with the necessary rigor." Once the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken. If additional allegations or complaints come to our attention, they will also be fully investigated."

Ubisoft has also set up a confidential online platform, managed by Whispli, where employees and "individuals outside the company" can report harassment or other inappropriate behavior. Complaints are reviewed by a CSR (corporate social responsibility) committee and a committee of legal experts.
