Dark Souls 3 with the assault rifle is my favorite easy mode these days.

Dark Souls 3 with the assault rifle is my favorite easy mode these days.

I'm not a Dark Souls fan who goes on and on about the creator's vision and intended experience to justify the difficulty of From Software's games. If that's how you enjoy playing it, then play it that way.

But if you prefer a slightly faster, looser style, just mod a bunch of guns into Dark Souls 3 and play it like Call of Duty: Dragon Warfare, the ideal easy mode for FPS players.

Modern Firearm is a Dark Souls 3 mod that replaces all default ranged weapons with automatic rifles; modder Asasasbc [sic] knows this is completely broken and unbalanced, but it's a great idea anyway! . It is the poetry of the modder to subvert the notoriously difficult difficulty of the humble and gloomy action RPG with the most commanding weapon in video games. Check out the cannon in action in the video below.

All weapons (except sniper rifles) also have alternate-fire modes. Handling the weapon with two hands results in automatic fire, which does less damage per shot and is less accurate, but has a lower stamina cost. Handling the weapon with one hand results in semi-automatic fire, which provides higher damage and accuracy, but at a lower stamina cost and slower rate of fire.

In addition to fairly decent gun models, the mod adds new sound and graphic effects that really sell the goofball illusion. A more appropriate comparison than Call of Duty might be Resident Evil, as most of the models are based on guns from the same series sculpted by DeviantArt user Adngel.

If you want the real Flintstones Meet the Jetsons look, also download the Leon Kennedy armor mod from Asasasasbc. This mod replaces the Fallen Knight set with Leon's skins, bones, and RPD attire from Resident Evil 2 Remake.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Installing everything via the Dark Souls 3 mod engine will prevent the game from connecting to the network, otherwise you may be banned. Mods are not allowed in online play. In other words, it is not fair play to bring an AK into the Irythill PvP arena.

Here's what I would trade for a Modern Firearm mod for Dark Souls 3:

The projectiles are still arrows, but the higher firing rate and sound effects do the trick for me. I played Dark Souls 3 four years ago for a review and haven't played it much since. The stress and tension is just too much these days for me to take 30 hits at Sister Friede with a sword and board. But the M16? You filthy beast.

If you're looking for a reason to give Dark Souls another shot, try the Cinders mod. Emma delved into the features of this mod a few months ago, and I've heard from several Soulsheads that it's an ideal version of the game. I, on the other hand, am feeling the heat at the moment. For more on why Dark Souls 3 is one of the best RPGs of all time, see also.
