Norman Reedus won't take a penis in "Death Stranding"

Norman Reedus won't take a penis in "Death Stranding"

"Death Stranding" can make Norman Reedus whiff. And why not? If he drank that much Monster Energy, his bladder would be flat. When you ask Reedus, played by Sam Porter Bridges, to defecate, you can definitely see a stream of toxic pee, but nothing else. Thanks to a camera hack, however, it is possible to sneak a peek.

"Death Stranding" has a photo mode that frees up the camera, but Kojima Productions knows you're a bunch of dirty bastards and won't let you use it while Laedus is spraying taurine-laced urine on the ground.

Using a camera hack, mod Lance McDonald was able to use this mode during the custo scene and, yes, when Reedus is having a private moment. But he doesn't pee like you'd expect, and the hack reveals that he actually uses esoteric techniques to summon a stream of piss, and that the pissing starts well away from the locked crotch. He didn't even take off his fly! What a strange man.

Of course, there is no reason why Death Stranding needs to model the genitals of its performers, but that doesn't stop other developers from doing so. Quantic Dream is known to do it a lot. David Cage loves shower scenes and is not often seen in these scenes, but thanks to glitches and hacks, players were able to see fully nude models of Ethan and Madison in "Heavy Rain" and Jody in "Beyond Two Souls." In the latter, Ellen Page, who played Jodie, sought legal action. She did not allow Quantic Dream to scan her nudity, but the studio created the nude model anyway without informing her.

Reedus also spends a great deal of time in the shower and poops in Death Stranding, but instead we see ads for his TV show.
