Dr. Disrespect: "I'm not going back to Twitch.

Dr. Disrespect: "I'm not going back to Twitch.

It's been a strange few weeks for some in the Twitch community after the controversial banning of Guy 'Dr Disrespect' Beahm, an extremely popular streamer with over 4 million followers at the time of his ban. Beahm had remained silent except for a brief statement, leading to much speculation. However, in an interview with PC Gamer published today, he confirmed that he will not be returning to the platform, stating that Twitch has yet to give him a reason for the ban.

"I have to be cautious here because of legal advice. I can tell you, however, that I do not intend to return to Twitch."

Beahm plans to continue streaming, but remains undecided as to which platform he will move to.

"Let's just say all cards are on the table," he said. I'm just focused on making sure that whatever I do next, platform migration or not, is the right decision for the community that follows me and for the Champions Club."

Beahm explained that he is not interested in an exclusive deal like the multi-year deal with Twitch that he announced in March, which was probably canceled when Twitch dropped him; YouTube or Facebook seem to be the leading options, but Beahm has his website championsclub.gg, and said he is also considering streaming independently.

In the interview, Beahm also confirmed that he is considering taking legal action against Twitch over the ban, and also hit back at the many rumors surrounding his ban, calling theories that it may be related to criminal or inappropriate behavior "crazy speculation."

Beahm's statements, however, make the situation surrounding his ban even stranger. Industry insider Rod 'Slasher' Breslau appeared on prominent streamer and political commentator Hasan Piker's stream earlier this week to discuss his ongoing investigation into Beahm's ban. In that stream, Breslau reiterated that the reason he has not come forward is that the circumstances that led to Beahm's ban are so serious that they put Breslau at risk of a defamation suit. While Beahm has begun to return to the public eye, Breslau believes there is more to this story that has yet to be revealed.

We will continue to cover the story as the situation develops, but for now, read the full interview to see what Beahm has to say.
