Anthem 2.0 Concept Art Reveals New Pirate Faction

Anthem 2.0 Concept Art Reveals New Pirate Faction

Recently, Christian Dailey, studio director at Bioware Austin, released concept art for the new pirate faction, Pirates of the Blood Wind, which will appear in Anthem 2.0.

In addition to this, Dailey also released concept art of locations, including a pirate lair:

Previously, Dailey said, "I felt the last few weeks were not the right time to start talking about Anthem. I felt the last few weeks were not the right time to start talking about Anthem.

He also noted that future blog posts on development will focus on some changes around loot and gear; Dailey said he is aware of the many questions players currently have and hopes to address them soon.

This is the first glimpse into how the Anthem focus team has been working since the May blog post; Dailey is working on a new post, so expect more substantial information soon.
