President Trump Announces Executive Order Targeting Tencent's WeChat and TikTok Apps

President Trump Announces Executive Order Targeting Tencent's WeChat and TikTok Apps

Update: It has been confirmed that the executive order against WeChat does not affect other assets owned by Tencent, particularly those related to video games.

Original Article U.S. President Donald Trump has issued an executive order banning any transactions related to WeChat, the popular messaging service owned by Chinese conglomerate Tencent Holdings. The new restrictions, announced simultaneously with a similar order targeting the social media service TikTok, will take effect within 45 days.

While the order specifically targets WeChat, there are ambiguities in its wording that raise concerns that it could affect other Tencent Holdings Ltd. properties. After all, Tencent owns 40% of Riot Games (League of Legends, Valorant), Epic Games (Fortnite, Unreal Engine), 5% of Activision Blizzard, and many other companies. However, LA Times reporter Sam Dean has received confirmation from the White House that video game companies will not be affected:

The most sweeping part of WeChat's order states: "Tencent Holdings Ltd. Ltd.) and transactions relating to WeChat or to property subject to U.S. jurisdiction.

While this could be read to mean that only transactions related to WeChat would be affected, some initially feared that all transactions with Tencent would be prohibited by the order. Needless to say, a ban imposed on all Tencent properties could have dire consequences for a large portion of the gaming industry.

The order alleges that TikTok and WeChat are funneling personal data on Americans and Chinese residents in the US to the CCP. As a direct result of Trump's intervention, TikTok's future in the U.S. seems destined to be taken over by Microsoft.

WeChat is not known to have any U.S. suitors waiting in the wings; in 2018, the app reportedly had over 1 billion monthly active users; in June, India banned the app's use.

U.S. companies are currently banned from doing business with Chinese information technology firm Huawei.
