Rocksteady Promises Further Action to Ensure "Inclusive Culture" at Studios

Rocksteady Promises Further Action to Ensure "Inclusive Culture" at Studios

Rocksteady, the studio behind "Arkham" and "Suicide Squad," has issued a formal statement in response to allegations that it did not properly address complaints of harassment and abusive behavior when they were received in 2018. The complaints came to light earlier this week when a copy of a complaint letter signed by 10 of the 16 women who were at Rocksteady at the time was leaked to the Guardian.

The letter writer, identified on YouTube as former senior writer Kim MacAskill, said the studio's response to the abuse allegations was "an hour-long company-wide seminar ...... He stated that it was only to cover their own asses." Shortly thereafter, several of the signatories to the 2018 letter sent another letter expressing support for studio management for having taken "immediate action" to begin addressing the issue.

Now Rocksteady has issued its own statement, deeming the 2018 letter a "call to action" and saying that after receiving it, it "met with all female staff, listened and addressed the issues raised." All complaints were investigated and action was taken "including disciplinary dismissal of staff."

"Since then, we have implemented new ways to ensure that we deliver on our commitment to inclusion, including asking all female staff for feedback on the portrayal and behavior of characters in the games we create. We are committed to listening and improving, and have hired experts to further strengthen equity and representation at Rocksteady."

In response to the new complaints, Rocksteady said it has hired an independent third party who can speak confidentially with employees to ensure that management is aware of and able to address issues not raised through normal channels. She also plans to reach out to all former female employees who have left the company within the past two years and give them the opportunity to speak with an interviewer.

"Today, we are as passionate as ever about creating an inclusive culture and we are listening carefully. We are determined to stand up for our staff and take a firm stand against any unacceptable behavior."

MacAskill, who left Rocksteady in 2019 (she said in a video that she was "pushed out"), took to Twitter to thank Rocksteady for the action and asked that Rocksteady be given a proper follow-up opportunity.

"Everyone deserves a second chance; I wasn't happy when I left in 2019. I was disappointed when they told me things hadn't changed," she wrote. 'But I had many happy days at RS. Don't hate their attempts to improve. There were mistakes on both sides. My work is done."
