Multiple employees resign due to "Skullgirls" studio representative's words and actions.

Multiple employees resign due to "Skullgirls" studio representative's words and actions.

On July 3, Lab Zero Games, the developer of "Skullgirls," announced that it would issue a statement regarding lead designer Mike Zaimont, who was accused of making inappropriate comments to two people in the fighting game community. The statement was not released, but according to several employees, an internal investigation was conducted that revealed a larger pattern of inappropriate behavior by Zaimont. As a result of this investigation, at least three employees resigned from Lab Zero.

Public criticism of Zaimont began in June when he made a joke on a live stream referring to Eric Garner and George Floyd's last words, "I can't breathe."

In late June, model and Twitch streamer Bunny called it "creepy" and "demeaning Another issue surfaced when she shared a DM from Zaimon, which she felt was "creepy and demeaning.

Author and cosplayer Carbon Gray said in the video that he was not surprised by Bunny's experience. Gray said, "Mike has been making weird sexual remarks toward me, both in and out of cosplay, at fighting game events for years."

Less than a day after Gray's video, Skullgirls commentator and convention organizer Sheila "Dapper Sharpie" Moore (who was also on the microphone when Zaimon said he "couldn't breathe") gathered a dozen other convention organizers and had Zaimon He was banned for two years and indefinitely banned from commentating.

A few days later, Lab Zero Games tweeted that a statement was forthcoming.

Former lead animator and art director Marielle Kinuko Cartwright, who resigned today, said the promised statement never came because Zaimon, who apparently now owns and fully controls the company, would not allow it.

Cartwright also said that although she considered Zaimon "a close friend and colleague for 10 years," she had "tolerated sexual remarks," "offensive jokes," and "unwanted hugs" for "years," and when confronted, Zaimon condemned his behavior, citing her attire He said.

If she had been the only target of Zaimon's actions, Cartwright says, he probably would have done nothing. However, the investigation allegedly revealed a "pattern of behavior" that included "hostility, insults, threats, lies, and harassment" directed at others in the company.

"It's no longer 'Mike is a jerk, but he's not a bad guy. Mike is not the person we thought he was."

Animator Jonathan "Persona" Kim, who also resigned today, posted a similar statement. According to Kim, the investigation revealed that "Mike's behavior was not merely a sporadic incident, but was actually a systemic symptom of his behavior and attitude in general as an individual."

Specifically, the stories about Zymont compiled from Lab Zero employees included "frequent references to genitalia, forced unwanted physical contact, sexual remarks about his own or employees' bodies, insulting co-workers privately or openly in front of other co-workers, or does not comply with what he wants or does not behave the way he wants, Kim states that these include "using very personal content to threaten or humiliate a co-worker when he or she does not comply with what he wants or does not behave the way he wants.

The third employee to resign was artist Brian "EU03" Jun, who announced his resignation yesterday; all three former employees say the resignation came after an attempt to get Zaimon himself to leave the company. But they did not agree to his terms (which Jun says were "absolutely unacceptable"), and since he owns the company, they had no choice but to leave themselves.

"Instead of leaving Lab Zero peacefully, Mike refused to listen and decided that everyone in the company was wrong, including those he had victimized," Kim said.

"His behavior is insulting and unacceptable.

According to Kim, Zymont only intended to be the sole owner temporarily, and the company was on its way to becoming employee-owned. At this time it is not clear if that is the plan for Lab Zero.

The studio has not responded to requests for comment.

