Another intimidating obelisk was spotted in the Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Another intimidating obelisk was spotted in the Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Another sign has been discovered in the Microsoft Flight Simulator, this time of what can only be considered a space god. Following the discovery of an ominous, impossibly tall skyscraper jutting out of a Melbourne suburb, another has been found in the middle of the Italian countryside.

Some would say this is simply the result of a typo in OpenStreetMap. Let's ignore the unbelievers. This is clearly a message from a higher power.

Xepa shared a screenshot of the obelisk on Reddit and deftly provided the coordinates: 41.253430, 14.894700. I flew to Italy to see for myself and was convinced that if there is a cult, I must join it.

Towering over the picturesque Italian countryside, it is even more dramatic than its Australian counterpart. For miles around, there is little to see except this hideous monolith casting huge shadows over the fields, and as Asobo updates its replication of the earth, some of these oddities may well disappear. It's a wonderful tourist attraction.

If this has inspired you to visit more spooky places in Microsoft Flight Simulator, then you are exactly the kind of person who should watch Fright Stimulator, our video series that visits real-world spooky places from the safety of a digital aircraft who visits real-world spooky places from the safety of a digital aircraft.
