Oculus' AR and VR division to be branded under Facebook Reality Labs

Oculus' AR and VR division to be branded under Facebook Reality Labs

A week ago, we learned that beginning this October, new owners of the Oculus VR headset will need a Facebook account to use the device. In a blog post on August 18, the company said that "all first-time users of Oculus devices will need to log in with their Facebook account."

In a separate announcement, Facebook introduced Facebook Reality Labs. (Facebook Reality Labs was the name given to the Oculus Research division in 2018.) However, the division operating within Oculus is still called Oculus.

"Like Facebook's recent corporate rebranding, we are focused on making it visually clear that we are part of Facebook while looking to the future of the next people-centric computing platform," said Facebook executive and Andrew Bosworth, head of Facebook Reality Labs, wrote.

Oculus Connect, the annual AR/VR developer conference to be held digitally in September, is now called Facebook Connect.

CORRECTION: This article originally stated that the Oculus VR and AR team would be rebranded as Facebook Reality Labs. This was incorrect; the Oculus team will now be under the umbrella of Facebook Reality Labs, but the internal Oculus division will still be called Oculus. We apologize for the error.
