NBA 2K Developer Supports NBA Protesting Police Brutality in Wake of Wisconsin Shootings

NBA 2K Developer Supports NBA Protesting Police Brutality in Wake of Wisconsin Shootings
[Police in Kenosha, Wisconsin shot 29-year-old Daniel Blake multiple times in the back.

In a show of solidarity with the protests, several NBA and WNBA teams have refused to participate in the playoffs.2K Sports, developer of the NBA 2K series and the upcoming NBA 2K21, released a statement of support to Gamespot, saying:

"We 2K is against racial injustice and continued violence against the black community...NBA 2K has a strong community. We are heartened to see our community using 2K as a gathering place and celebrating the movement in their own ways.

"In times like these, it is essential that people have a place and a way to share their voices, and it is our goal to continue to make 2K a palace where players can easily express themselves.

"As for the NBA and WNBA, we strongly support players and the league using the platform to demonstrate against the shooting death of Jacob Blake.

When the "Black Lives Matter" protests began this past June, 2K Games distributed in-game shirts to players that read "I can't breathe" and "Black Lives Matter." The company was also one of the game developers who took their games offline for two hours in support of Blackout Day on July 7. The idea of Blackout Day was originally to spend money only at black-owned businesses, but during the protests against police brutality, websites did not post content, streamers suspended their activities, and various to show solidarity with the protests and black people in general extended into periods of silence with various similar actions.

In addition, 2K Games posted the first paragraph of its statement on the official NBA2K21 Twitter account.
