Hellish Rhythm Action FPS "BPM" now on sale

Hellish Rhythm Action FPS "BPM" now on sale

When I play fast-paced first-person shooters, I usually mute the in-game music and put on Napalm Death's "Scum" instead. But you can't do that with BPM: because if you don't pay attention to the music, you'll lose. Shoot to the beat, reload to the beat, jump to the beat, dash to the beat: ...... It's that kind of rhythm-action roguelike. [The levels are procedurally generated and there are five playable classes. But what really matters here is the rhythm-action template applied to a first-person shooter, and I agree with Andy that it seems you need to play this game to fully understand it.

Luckily, that can happen today: BPM: Bullets Per Minute is currently available on Steam with a 10% launch discount. If you like the music in the game, you can buy the soundtrack separately or bundled with the game; early user reviews on Steam seem favorable, with one user enigmatically saying that "the birds are the best part," which has definitely caught my attention

"The birds are the best part.

Here's the launch trailer:
