Big "Marvel's Avengers" Patch Fixes 1,000 Bugs and a Little Tuning

Big "Marvel's Avengers" Patch Fixes 1,000 Bugs and a Little Tuning

The first major patch for Marvel's Avengers, the superhero action battle game developed by Crystal Dynamics in collaboration with Square Enix, has been released; the V1.3.0 patch is now available on each platform and, according to the developers, "surfaced in the last two weeks. It fixes "over 1000 issues that have surfaced in the last two weeks," according to the developers. Crystal Dynamics says that while this patch focuses on bugs, other upcoming patches will include more quality-of-life fixes and game tuning.

Most notably for PC players, the new patch has improved stability, reduced crashes, and improved CPU and memory utilization. Crystal Dynamics has also added an option to disable motion blur altogether. Motion blur is the coriander/coriander of games, and while many people don't mind it, others would rather die than deal with it. Oh, and you can now backup your saves.

Other than these, there are a number of cross-platform improvements, mostly focused on crashes, unintended skill interactions, and visual bugs. However, there are also some major fixes, such as heroes freezing in place, getting stuck, or being unable to use abilities.

Major tweaks include lowering the difficulty of some missions and fixing event-breaking issues such as Defend mission stalling. Enemy turrets and ranged attacks have been made more aggressive. In addition, Kamala Khan's unintentional throw has been removed, several issues with Cap's mirror shield have been fixed, and Iron Man's lock-on targeting has been improved.

The Avengers failed to win the heart of reviewer Robert Zack, who gave it a 69/100. (This is based on our scoring system, which says that it has some things to like, but can only be recommended with major caveats.) Again, reminiscent of Cilantro.) The single-player elements of the game are good, but ultimately "the well-told campaign and story do their best to hide the rather scuzzy service game underneath."

The full Marvel's Avengers review can be read on the website.

To read the full notes on the latest patch for Marvel's Avengers, visit the Square Enix website. You can check for known bugs that still remain in the game, such as sometimes not being able to take Daily Faction missions. For more information on Marvel's Avengers, you can also visit this page.
