Star Renegades" Roadmap Teases More Classes, Bosses, Maps

Star Renegades" Roadmap Teases More Classes, Bosses, Maps

The infinite timeline of Star Renegade is going to get even busier this year and next, and developer Massive Damage has revealed its plans for the future through a post-launch roadmap.

You'll be able to try to save the timeline with new classes like the Dragoon, a hybrid of damage and support that can absorb enemy attacks and re-channel furies, or tango with new enemies in new worlds. See below.

I purchased Star Renegades on Xbox Game Pass a while back, but have yet to attempt to save the universe. However, I didn't realize you could have a pet dog, and I intend to rectify that mistake soon. I also like the routine of jumping to a new timeline when I fail, which gives the game an Into the Breach feel.

There's also a light Shadow of Mordor-esque nemesis system, character relationships, many references to JRPGs, and many other concepts that make it both fascinating and very messy.

Alex Spencer called it a "multiverse master of zero" in his review of Star Renegades, giving it a score of 72, and I quite like the sound of this jumble.
