SEGA Debuts Detailed Video of "PSO2": New Genesis Combat and Open World

SEGA Debuts Detailed Video of "PSO2": New Genesis Combat and Open World

"Phantasy Star Online 2" was just released in the U.S. this year, but it has been available in Japan since 2012 and is starting to show its age and is in need of a dramatic overhaul. At E3, Sega announced stand-alone expansion content that will do just that PSO2: New Genesis will add an open-world environment to the MMO, and will completely overhaul both combat and graphics. (Confusingly, this is a separate game, but characters can travel between PSO2 and New Genesis.)

Phantasy Star exclusive player Stephen wrote about how New Genesis could solve the problems that have prevented PSO2 from becoming a "killer MMO," and on Friday Sega gave us our first look at what to expect.

As part of the Tokyo Game Show on Friday, Sega did a one-hour live stream introducing New Genesis. It can be a bit difficult to hear what they are saying, but we pulled out some of the more interesting details. Below are some of the highlights.

"New Genesis allows you to explore a vast world. In the previous "PSO2" game, each area was an independent enclosed space. In "New Genesis," however, you can move seamlessly between areas. Furthermore, the number of places you can go will continue to increase with future updates, and eventually you will be able to go to all locations on the site. When you log into the game, you start in a lobby with hundreds of people."

"The adventure area is divided into sections containing a certain size of terrain, but you can also move seamlessly between sections. The maximum number of people who can play within a section is eight, but you are automatically matched with other users as you move seamlessly between sections."

Some other highlights include:

Hunters have a five-hit melee combo, and the last hit can also be used as a counter by blocking during the combo." In "New Genesis," up to five hits are possible in a row, with the fifth hit being as powerful as a photon art." Users who play "PSO2" may notice that there is no "Perfect Attack" in "New Genesis." You can enjoy the action without being bound by the "Perfect Attack. One can also perform a powerful "Step Attack" after a perfectly timed dodge.

The ranger's assault rifle does different damage at different distances. Rangers can continue to fire while dodging attacks with their "sliding shot." Says Sega, "You can also switch to an over-the-shoulder viewpoint to aim and attack at will." This makes "PSO2" a little more like a shooter.

The Rod of Force "can attack with multiple elements by utilizing techniques." Charged techniques do more and different damage. Without a charge, the rod sends an object of fire or ice toward the enemy, while a charged attack directly damages the enemy and causes it to explode. The rod's special weapon action acts like a sword guard, preventing attacks on the spot."

(Skip to 57:41 if you want to see the party take on a particularly large enemy.)

Enemies spawn randomly in environmental combat areas. An indicator will appear on the screen to show where you (and seven others who may be in your instance) should head into battle. When you defeat an enemy, a trial, an interrupted event that occurs in PSO2, will occur here as well."

Enemies have elemental weaknesses, which can be exploited to cause an "elemental damage reaction" that puts the enemy in a "down" state or creates an opening.

Sega has not announced a release date for the new Genesis, but it is believed to be sometime in 2021.
