Netflix's "The Witcher" Series Changes Cast of Esquel

Netflix's "The Witcher" Series Changes Cast of Esquel

According to Deadline, Tue Elsted Rasmussen ("Sunday," "The Road to Mandalay," "Wild Speed 9"), who was cast as Eskel in the second season of "The Witcher," has been dropped. Rasmussen explained on Instagram that the series was rescheduled due to the Covid 19 craze and said, "I'm sure Season 2 will be absolutely amazing and now I can watch it as a fanboy instead of as a Witcher."

Rasmussen was replaced by Swiss actor Basil Eidenbenz, whose television credits include the period drama "Victoria" and the World War II spy series "X Company. "Netflix's "The Witcher" series was suspended in March, and on August 17 Production resumed shortly before Christopher Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane in "Game of Thrones") tested positive. Hivju had been cast as Niveren, a cursed likeness of the beast in the fairy tale, and is now fully recovered.

Eskel is a scarred Witcher who trained with Geralt. Players of The Witcher 3 will remember him from the quest where the Witchers get drunk and dress.

For those who are just starting out, the Witcher Beginner's Guide.
