Baldur's Gate 3 more than doubles hard disk requirements ahead of Early Access launch

Baldur's Gate 3 more than doubles hard disk requirements ahead of Early Access launch

For those of you looking forward to the October 6 Early Access release of Baldur's Gate 3, FYI. The minimum hard drive requirement, originally set at 70 GB, has more than doubled to 150 GB.

It is unclear what spurred this change, but it may be to allow room for future expansion: according to the person in charge, the current build is actually about 80 GB in size, but the Early Access release only includes the first of three acts, with additional races, playable pre-made characters, non-English languages, and other planned content is missing.

The system requirements were first posted on Steam in August, and are otherwise unchanged and, as we noted at the time, quite loose on the low end; according to Larian, the system requirements will be lowered further during Early Access as optimization continues. He said that this may be the case.

(Update: Michael Douse, Larian's publishing director, said on Twitter that the install size for "Baldur's Gate 3" is about 80 GB, but that 150 GB free is "good for u." Not everyone is convinced by this explanation, but it's all we have for now.)

If you haven't already seen it, the full (and updated) requirements are as follows. There is also a guide to all the races and classes that will be available in the Early Access release, and (let's be honest, we all wanted to know) confirmation that you can have sex in "Baldur's Gate 3."



Thanks, PCGamesN.
