Microsoft Sides with Epic in Battle with Apple, Promises More Open MS Store

Microsoft Sides with Epic in Battle with Apple, Promises More Open MS Store

In August, Microsoft filed a declaration supporting Epic's request for an injunction against Apple's plan to remove access to its iOS development tools. In it, the company stated that the Unreal Engine is "an important technology for many game creators" and that taking away Epic's ability to support it on iOS and MacOS devices would "harm game creators and gamers."

Today, Microsoft more overtly sided with Epic in its campaign against Apple by declaring its "10 Principles for the Microsoft Store for Windows." While the statement makes no direct mention of Epic, Apple, or the iOS App Store, it does draw a clear line between Microsoft's online store and Apple's online store. [Microsoft states, "For software developers, the App Store is an important gateway to the world's most popular digital platform. Microsoft added, "We and others have raised questions and sometimes concerns about app stores on other digital platforms. [but] we recognize that we should practice what we preach. So today, we are launching the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF) to promote choice, ensure fairness, and foster innovation on our most popular platform, Windows 10, and the Microsoft Store on Windows 10. Based on the ideas and activities of the Coalition for App Fairness (CAF), the CAF will adopt 10 principles.

These principles include, in Microsoft's words:

The first three on the list are essentially a direct attack on Apple, banning other app stores on their devices, requiring the use of their payment system, and Microsoft also collects 30 percent from some sales, including "all apps and in-app products" from the Microsoft Store purchased through Xbox consoles, as well as all games regardless of platform, only collects 15 percent from other sales.

"As app developers, we have sometimes been frustrated by other app stores that require users to sell services within their apps, even when they do not expect or want the service, and cannot make a profit," Microsoft said, adding that iOS The company carefully avoided specific references to the app store. While carefully avoiding specific mention of the iOS App Store, Microsoft said, "Principle 6 gives developers who choose to use the Microsoft Store the flexibility to decide what to sell in their apps. In the coming months, we will do the work necessary to bridge the gap between Microsoft Store's current rules and policies and the aspirations expressed in these principles. [Apps play an important role in the daily lives of billions of consumers and are an enabler of the modern digital economy for millions of businesses. But the innovation that drives the app economy also requires a healthy and vibrant digital platform. We are aware that regulators and policymakers are considering these issues and considering legislative changes to promote competition and innovation in the digital marketplace. We believe that the CAF principles and their implementation can serve as a productive case study"


The Coalition for App Fairness, of which Epic, Spotify, Basecamp,, and Deezer are founding members, commented on Microsoft's adoption of the principles, saying, "Making the playing field fair for all developers It is an important phase in the global campaign to make the playing field fair for all developers."

"As the first major global platform to commit to meaningful change for the app ecosystem, the 10 principles they have established will provide clarity, promote consumer choice, provide developers with an equal opportunity to compete freely, and enable innovation in the years ahead ."

"Creating consistent standards of conduct across all platforms will take time. Feedback is essential and we applaud Microsoft's progress; the App Fairness Coalition will work closely with Microsoft to ensure that as their principles evolve, they continue to positively impact the entire industry.

Not surprisingly, Tim Sweeney, CEO of Epic Games, is pleased with this progress.

Epic Games and Apple's lawsuit is scheduled to begin on May 3, 2021.

