Mass Effect" Remaster Receives Rating in Korea, Becoming a Reality

Mass Effect" Remaster Receives Rating in Korea, Becoming a Reality

The rumored "Mass Effect HD" remaster is getting a little more concrete now that the Korean Game Evaluation Management Board has rated "Mass Effect Legendary Edition".

VentureBeat reported its existence in May, but EA has kept it under wraps ever since. As is often the case, however, the published ratings revealed its existence.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition is included in a large list of games recently classified in Korea (in support of Gematsu). This list can be downloaded from the website and lists 52. The fact that there is only one rating suggests that the games are collected rather than available individually, which is not surprising.

Having recently replayed the trilogy, I'm convinced that more could be done with it than HD adaptation; Mass Effect 3 was praised for its vastly improved action, but now it's just as unsatisfying as the others, with no particularly engaging battles and no battles that I wish I could complete more quickly It's all just the kind of thing that makes you wish you could have done it faster. In fact, after facing wave after wave of Cerberus goons in "Mass Effect 3," I finally stopped replaying it.

Need some combat tweaks and shiny upgrades? I would consider making a new Shepard for that purpose. However, we'll have to wait a bit longer to learn the extent of the remastering, as EA has yet to reveal any information.
