Developer of "Cyberpunk 2077" Defends Decision to Remove Feature

Developer of "Cyberpunk 2077" Defends Decision to Remove Feature

With less than a month to go until the long-awaited release of Cyberpunk 2077, fans are eagerly anticipating what the finished game will look like and what will not appear. In light of conversations about content that was cut from the game during the development process, Miles Tost, senior level designer for the film, released a statement explaining that fans are becoming more aware of features that did not make it into the final game because CD Projekt Red is open about the development process He explained that this is because of the fact that CD Projekt Red is open about the development process. This started with a demo featuring pre-alpha gameplay shown at E3 2018, which was always going to be a far cry from the game at release.

"Reducing features and scope is a very normal part of development," Tost said. 'In our game, we are open to witnessing that. We gladly complied with the wishes of the community and showed you our demo in 2018. Think about it. The game two years after launch."

PC Gamer readers may remember that wallrunning, a feature first shown off in that first demo, was confirmed to have been cut from the finished product earlier this year. Other features that were announced but later removed include vehicle customization, weapon dual-wielding, and a companion "flathead" spiderbot for Techniclass characters.

"Of course we iterate and change things. Of course, we also have ideas that sound great on paper but then don't work well in games with all the other features," Tost continued.

"I understand that this is unfortunate for everyone when this happens, and that it is difficult to understand without understanding all the background of the development environment.

Tost also asserted that some features were cut to make it work better, and that just because content was cut does not necessarily mean that the product as a whole suffered, in fact quite the opposite Tost added that they are working on He emphasizes that these were "difficult decisions" for a developer who truly loves what he is working on, but in the end, the old saying that "favorites must be killed" applies to game design as much as to any other commercial or artistic endeavor. Ultimately, Tost urges anxious players to wait for post-launch reviews before making a decision.

Miles Tost's remarks were originally made on the Cyberpunk Discord server and are now available on the CD Projekt Red forums. In addition to the cut content, he also devoted time to the fact that no official announcement has yet been made about the length of the game (since CDPR unintentionally lowered the maximum length of The Witcher 3 to around 100 hours instead of the more realistic 180 hours or so, nearly half the average clear time) (They seem hesitant to commit to it). The full text can be read here.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on November 19 December 10.
