Impact of further improvements to the fantastic resin system

Impact of further improvements to the fantastic resin system

"Phantom of the Phantom" is one of the best and biggest surprises of 2020. It walks and talks like a big-budget JRPG, an outstanding free-to-play mess of a game, but it still has some frustrations. For many players, the biggest of these is the "resin" system, which effectively limits the frequency of rewards from certain actions, such as defeating special bosses or clearing dungeons. Each time a player wins one of these battles, he or she must spend a resin to obtain loot. However, in an interview with PC Gamer, Genshin Impact developer MiHoYo says more changes are coming.

"We are aware of the feedback from players regarding the resin system and the team is already working on some solutions. As more information becomes available, we will share it with the community."

When asked for further details, MiHoYo did not elaborate on what the plan is or when it will be implemented. However, it is clear that further coordination is underway.

More recently, MiHoYo announced that the 1.1 update on November 11 will increase the total amount of resins players can store at once and lower the amount they must consume each week to complete one weekly quest. However, this change does not address the core problem of "resin recovery too slow" and "resin consumption too fast," and since "Phantom Impact" is still new, there are not enough activities that do not require resin in the endgame. It seems a little too limited.

MiHoYo said that so far, the feedback has been "pretty much in line" with what they had hoped for before full release; MiHoYo said, "We spent a lot of time and We spent a lot of time and meticulous preparation on 'Gensho Ibunroku' from the very beginning to ensure that the game would be well received by a wider audience. Prior to the official launch, we conducted a total of three closed beta phases to gather feedback from players on a variety of platforms."

In terms of specific feedback outside of Resin, MiHoYo is looking to further improve co-op, which is currently largely limited. While it is easy to jump into a game with other players, there are many things that co-op guests cannot do when visiting another world besides Resin-related activities. It feels like a missed opportunity.

When I asked MiHoYo why such a system was implemented, they said it was to "maintain the integrity of the immersive single player experience" or more specifically, to prevent someone from coming into your game and taking all your valuable loot. That makes sense, but I still wish they would open up some of these restrictions.

The good news is that MiHoYo is trying to add more co-op play. Recent in-game events have required players to work together as a team to take on special time-limited challenges, and MiHoYo says, "Cooperative play will continue to play an important role in future updates of 'Phantom of the Opera'."

The last topic I brought up to MiHoYo was the issue of microtransactions. As I've mentioned before, Genshin Impact's mobile gacha origins don't prevent it from being a great game, but it also frustrates me that there are few ways to spend money in-game other than gambling on loot boxes with ludicrous drop rates.

"There are currently no plans to implement other forms of microtransactions," MiHoYo said." In addition to obtaining characters and weapons through the "wish" system, players can also obtain certain characters and weapons for free by completing in-game challenges. For example, Xiangling is currently available by clearing the corresponding floor in Spiral Abyss. Version 1. 1, Another character, Fischl, will be available by completing the required tasks in the new Unreconciled Stars event."

So, no changes. Still, it is gratifying to see "Phantom of the Phantom" get a major update so soon. Update 1.1 will launch on November 11 and will include four new characters, the completion of the first chapter of the story, and a reputation system with unique rewards. Five weeks later, update 1.2 will begin, opening up an entirely new region to explore called the Dragonspine Mountains.

For more information on "Phantom Impact," see our comprehensive character tier list and tips for novice and veteran players alike.

