Update: Apex Legends 7's battle pass progressed too slowly and will be changed.

Update: Apex Legends 7's battle pass progressed too slowly and will be changed.

Update: Respawn has listened. To address the issue of too slow progress on the Season 7 Battle Pass, the experience required for each star has been cut in half from 10,000 XP to 5,000 XP, effective today. Additionally, as explained on Twitter, "Starting next week, the time it takes to complete the Weekly Challenge will be significantly reduced." The studio also explained the background behind its initial decision.

Original Story Electronic Arts has made several changes to the Apex Legends Battle Pass for Season 7. Recurring weekly challenges will be incorporated into "revamped" dailies, and unique weekly challenges will be able to be completed throughout the entire season. Ten stars will be required to earn a level on the Battle Pass.

EA states that this is to make the Battle Pass progression "more streamlined and rewarding" and to make it easier to track progress. That seems reasonable at first glance: "I need 4 more stars for the level, and this challenge is worth 4 stars" is easier to calculate in your head than a raw XP count. However, according to responses on the Apex Legends subreddit, that doesn't seem to work out as planned.

The problem is that battlepath progression is much slower in the new system than in previous seasons, and Redditor GrubbyLilPaws summed it up in a one-line post:

Redditor Sp00kyGamer delved further into the numbers, and for the next 88 days He stated that players who play every day and complete all daily challenges will earn 70 Battle Pass levels, with weekly challenges estimated to be worth an additional 50.

"When you put the numbers together, it doesn't look so bad," said the company. But compared to the normal XP level gains and how fast they were in the previous Battle Pass system, gaining levels with XP was much easier, and players who missed the Daily Challenge multiple times because they only had to complete 10 Daily Missions a week to get 2 levels for free." for the previous system was much easier.

I can't vouch for the math, but the gist of it is: "This new system is too hard on casual players; it's too easy for them to get a free level.

Many posters have said they will not buy the new Battle Pass unless EA does something to improve the pace of progression. I wouldn't be surprised if that happens: given that Apex Legends Season 7 has just begun and the number of changes made to the Battle Pass, the need for post-launch tuning is not a surprise. since Apex was recently released on Steam, this system will be the first step for many new players in this will be their first introduction to the game.

We have contacted EA about the possibility and will update if we hear back. While we wait for that, you can post your "thoughts, suggestions, and ideas" in the rapidly growing Season 7 Battle Pass feedback thread on Reddit.
