World of Warcraft" Speedrunners Reach Maximum Level in Record Time

World of Warcraft" Speedrunners Reach Maximum Level in Record Time

Saying that World of Warcraft streamer DesMephisto is good at the game feels almost as insulting as saying Muhammad Ali is good at boxing. Over the past few years, he has broken record after record thanks to the various leveling boosts available to him during his Shadowlands preparation, and once again, he achieved Death Knight in Alliance from level 10 to level 50 in an astounding 3 hours and 33 minutes.

At this point, it is clear that Death Mephisto is taking advantage of all that Death Knight can do, and while WoW is a different beast, it is worth remembering that such leveling arcs are inherently designed to be played over weeks or months, not hours.

Let's not go too in depth here (WoWhead has a detailed breakdown of all techniques and items used), but DesMephisto maximized the value of the Anniversary XP boosts, used Chromie to make the inter-expansion jumps, and cleverly uses Hearthstone to cut out huge chunks of travel time. This would have been much quicker if it weren't for the idiots who tried to spy on him via streaming.

You can watch the full run below. Some of these tactics won't be around in WoW for long, so unless Death Mephisto himself breaks them, this "record" will last a long time.

We interviewed DesMephisto a few months ago, and we noted that he is admired by the community for his unconventional approach to World of Warcraft: "Part theorist, part speedrunner, and part warrior." He used a death knight this time, but let's leave it at that.

This record is the latest in DesMephisto's long list of accomplishments in WoW, and in a recent patch, Blizzard added an item called Desm's Fistos, a plate gauntlet that adds a ridiculous buff to the "Haste" and "Mastery" skills He is a very good friend of the Wizard of Oz. And what WoW fan wouldn't share his reaction?
