Phil Spencer Says Microsoft Isn't Looking Around for Japanese Studios

Phil Spencer Says Microsoft Isn't Looking Around for Japanese Studios

According to a Bloomberg report earlier this week, Microsoft, still reeling from the aftermath of its Bethesda acquisition, is looking to acquire several Japanese game studios. According to the report, several Japan-based developers say they have been approached by the company about a possible acquisition, but they all wish to remain anonymous because the story has not been made public.

However, in an interview with Gamespot, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said that, to his knowledge, nothing like that has actually happened.

"I don't think that's true... I mean, I don't attend every meeting of every team, but I would say that I don't . Most opportunities to date have been long-lasting relationships, so I don't think I'm going out there with my business cards and throwing them out on the street corner trying to find people."

Microsoft very recently acquired Tango Gameworks, the Japanese studio behind "The Evil Within," as part of its $7.5 billion acquisition of Bethesda Softworks. Spencer described the acquisition as something of a personal highlight as a personal highlight of the acquisition, but emphasized that this is not an indication of any larger ambitions that are currently underway.

"I've talked about my affinity for Japanese studios, and given the old days when more games were made in Japan as part of our first party, when the deal was done, I was more than excited to spend more time with Tango (Gameworks) and the work they are doing I'm excited to be able to do that," Spencer said. ''And Spencer said, 'I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that. That's not accurate.

Tango Gameworks is currently working on Ghostwire: it's an action-adventure to be released in 2019 and will be a departure from the survival horror of The Evil Within. It is currently slated for release during 2021 and will remain a PlayStation 5 timed console exclusive, despite the studio's new ownership.

In the same interview, Spencer also revealed that he played Elden Rings, a mysterious new project in the works at From Software. Apparently it looks pretty good.
