First Person Scrubber is a fusion of power-washing simulacrum and pulp fiction.

First Person Scrubber is a fusion of power-washing simulacrum and pulp fiction.

Cleaning up after a game can be as much fun as making a mess, and if you've ever wiped up blood and guts in Viscera Cleanup Detail or sprayed gunk on Doc Brown's time machine in PowerWash Simulator, an offer you can't refuse There are two things you can't refuse. Combine these two games and you have Crime Scene Cleaner. [You take on the job of a mafia thug or mass murderer, cleaning up their filth and covering up their horrific crimes. Your employers may use guns and knives, but your weapons in this sim are mops, sponges, detergent, pressure washers, and buckets. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Having played a little last night, I can report that it takes quite a bit of time to clean up a multiple murder scene. In one house, a man was stabbed to death and his blood was strewn all over the place. Several rooms, floors, walls, ceilings, furniture, and even stereo speakers. Moreover, as we followed the blood trail, we realized that this was not an isolated incident. There were multiple bodies on the property, and I had several bodies and gallons of blood to deal with.

I filled a bucket with detergent, soaped a mop, and began scrubbing. The mop and sponge could only hold so much blood that it needed to be rinsed, so it was difficult to go back and forth between the bucket and the blood puddle. I deftly moved the bucket into the room where I was scrubbing, but to my surprise, I knocked the bucket over several times, spilling the bloody water on the floor I had just cleaned. Sigh.

Although time consuming, it was quite satisfying to completely clean the bloody apartment. Wiping away all the blood, collecting broken plates and glasses in garbage bags to remove evidence of the violent encounter, sponging down the furniture and putting it back where it belongs, and wrapping the bodies in plastic and stacking them in the back of a pickup truck, I feel like the day's hard work has paid off. Also, since I am a criminal, I can steal cash from the crime scene. Think of it as a tip.

“Crime Scene Cleaner” was released this week and has been well received by the cleaning community; it currently has over 1,000 reviews on Steam with a score of “overwhelmingly positive.” A free demo is also available to try.
