A "Diablo 4" player's XP boost was a malicious dagger hidden under a table before Blizzard discovered it.

A "Diablo 4" player's XP boost was a malicious dagger hidden under a table before Blizzard discovered it.

Several "Diablo 4" players have reported randomly receiving the biggest XP boost of their lives in the latest season. One player went from level 60 to 100 instantly, a process that usually takes several hours of dungeon grinding. After some investigation, Blizzard found the cause.

However, instead of removing this dagger from the game, Blizzard turned off its unique effect to work on a fix.

"We have temporarily disabled Umbracrux's unique power," Adam Fletcher, head of PR, wrote in X. This was due to reports of players gaining large amounts of experience during certain encounters."

The Umbracrux is a new rogue-only item added in Season 5. It spawns a small totem and disperses all damage done to it to surrounding enemies. It is a clever effect that deals AOE damage to single target skills and is essential to building the best rogues of the season. Without it, you're like a butter knife.

No one knows what caused the dagger to disperse XP to some players; Reddit user Neamins posted a video of a 34-level gain after defeating a Stronghold boss with the dagger equipped. Several other players have encountered this phenomenon in the new Infernal Hordes wave-based dungeon. My guess is that the totem must be interacting oddly with the way Diablo 4's scripted combat scales monsters to levels, giving players a lot of XP when they disappear because of it.

None of the affected players have been stripped of their free levels, nor have they had their accounts wrongly suspended, just as Blizzard made every player have the uber-unique that was handed out like candy in a bug when the game launched, free They decided to let them have character boosts.

Rogue players may have to suffer with backup daggers for a day or so, but that's a relatively minor blemish on a great season of Diablo 4. Blizzard has reworked nearly every unique item in the game and every class is thriving. Season 5 has put Diablo 4 in great shape as it moves into its first expansion, Vessel of Hatred, in October.
