Scientist Survival in "The Abiotic Factor," next week's annual Fishing by the Water

Scientist Survival in "The Abiotic Factor," next week's annual Fishing by the Water

One of the best survival adventure games of the year, "The Aviotic Factor" is getting a great update next week: a fishing mini-game.

The Hydro Plant Sector will feature a large group of dams with power plants and various experiments that can only be done with massive amounts of water as insulation (if you've played "Aviotic," you know that maintaining large amounts of fresh water is no easy task). Also included are security sectors that are dark and rather creepy inside, as well as portals to off-site summit facilities in the French or Swiss Alps.

Abiotic Factor is a somewhat unconventional survival game, an immersive sim that explores a fairly fixed environment rather than a vast open world. Part of the reason for this is the direction of the game, as the director of the project does not like the way most survival games are played. I don't really like survival games," he told PC Gamer earlier this year.

The Crush Depth update also comes with some new toys. Crossing the ocean won't be easy, but the developer has teased new jetpack blueprints and sport utility vehicles to find and salvage. Finally, trunk space is on the way!

Other additions include Warren the security guard, a set of security lasers to capture and destroy incoming enemies, carbon fiber structures, scoped weapons, a "moisture teleporter" of sorts, and some decidedly psychedelic looking rice that can be grown and eaten if you are brave enough! and more have been added. The ambient temperature system will also be reworked, so be prepared to be warm in the new mountainous areas.

Abiotic Factor is available on Steam for $25 (20% off through August 15.) More information about Crush Depth can be found in the team's Steam news post.
