Fallout: London developers hand out math homework to players suffering from HP-dropping bug

Fallout: London developers hand out math homework to players suffering from HP-dropping bug

The release of Fallout London has not been smooth sailing. After starting with a confusing installation process and dealing with modders choosing the word soccer over references to soccer, many players are now facing an irritating bug that confuses HP.

The debuff is associated with a game-crashing glitch that affects players who train through post-apocalyptic London during the mod's start time. The bug has a permanent effect on the player's strength and, even worse, may prevent the game from starting completely.

"If you get one-tapped by a fox or something, this is probably the cause," "Fallout" lead writer Callum Quick of Disc: London said in a Discord message." Following the train crash, there was an error in how player health was handled, causing characters with already high health and endurance levels to have disproportionately low maximum HP. This will be fixed in the first update, which will also increase the effectiveness of the "Lab Rat" affliction, so that the hopelessness of the early game will feel somewhat the same."

But if you can't wait for the new update that fixes everything, Quick has another manual way to restore your strength." For the current save, use the following formula to determine the character's maximum HP, calculate the difference from the current maximum HP, and use the modav command to restore it to where it should be (without using setav)."

Or, if you like the challenge, leave it as is.

You should also check to see if you have a "Life Giver" perk. If you are in Survival, drop to Hard or Normal mode for a short time so you can access the console. Or, if you don't want to interfere with survival, there are mods that allow you to access the console in survival mode. But honestly, it might be easier to take the L and live in fear of a rabid fox. This is because when I tried to solve the equation myself, I was interrupted by flashbacks to the horrors of GCSE math.

This is not the first time players have recommended mods to fix Fallout: London is also a mod). Some encountered a bug where carrying a beer pad would only do half the damage. Another player says, "Get this mod." Basically, the hound's beer mat halves all damage." It sounds like a band-aid, but hopefully players won't have to put up with it any longer.

Team Folon also shared a message confirming that the team is working hard to improve the installation process and fix other technical issues. If you too are having problems with Fallout, we suggest you take a look at the solution: if you are having problems with Fallout: London, we suggest you take a look at the mega-thread of solutions the developers shared on Reddit.
