PC Gamer Announces Editorial Staff Changes and Recent Hires

PC Gamer Announces Editorial Staff Changes and Recent Hires

It's been a busy year in the gaming world, but we'd like to take a short pause to tell you about some changes to the PC Gamer team.

Over the past few months, PC Gamer has hired several new editors and promoted longtime members to new positions. These additions make the PC Gamer team larger and more experienced than ever before in our 30+ year history as a publisher. Some of these new faces and new roles will help build new projects and forms of coverage that we will be announcing soon, while others will be devoted to substantive news, reviews, editorial reaction, and other technology and journalism that supports the more than 800 articles we publish each month (see Did you know we do some fun stuff on TikTok?)

Notably, veteran editor Phil Savage, with more than a decade of experience, has been named global editor-in-chief of PC Gamer and will direct PC Gamer's editorial direction. Phil succeeds Evan Lahti, who has been named director of strategy.


Dave James will become Hardware Editor-in-Chief, overseeing PC Gamer's best-in-class buying guides and product reviews, as well as its extensive coverage of technology

Jacob Ridley will become Hardware Editor-in-Chief, overseeing PC Gamer's coverage of this 11]

Nick Evanson becomes Hardware Writer

Andy Edser becomes Hardware Writer

Jacob Fox becomes Hardware Writer

Guides Sarah James to Senior Guide Writer

Sean Martin to Senior Guide Writer

Kara Phillips to Evergreen Writer


Lincoln Carpenter to News Writer

Elie Gould to News Writer

Video & Events

Jake Tucker to Editorial Director for PC Gaming Show

Dave Jones to Video Producer

Paul Despawn becomes Social Video Editor


Evan Lahti becomes Strategic Director, leading the launch of PC Gamer's new editorial franchise and managing the editorial process

Phil Savage becomes Global Editor-in-Chief, responsible for PC Gamer's overall and day-to-day editorial direction

Tyler Wild has been named US Editor-in-Chief, overseeing PC Gamer's global news operations and supporting 24/7 coverage [45].
