Old-school RuneScape developers are baffled that players, driven by religious fervor, are demanding that the loudest mole-rat in the game be made even louder.

Old-school RuneScape developers are baffled that players, driven by religious fervor, are demanding that the loudest mole-rat in the game be made even louder.

Today, dear readers, I learned about the cursed Nail Beast. This humble creature from Old School RuneScape is not much to brag about on paper. A level 69 (nice), 98, and 141 creature in the Temple Trekking mini-game, it looks somewhere between a mole and a leopard. It looks somewhere between a mole and a leopard.

It is also noisy. Inexplicably, nail beasts have a disproportionate, migraine-inducing rage. Sadly, they appear in packs of at least three. This means that their cries sometimes overlap, creating a noise that can be described as the absolute worst.

Jagex reasonably decided to make the nailbeast volume a Poll 82 voteable item (thanks, GamesRadar.) Since OSRS is an old game with a lot of nostalgia, its developers like to take the community's temperature about modifications to old content. They like to gauge the temperature of the community on modifications to old content. Since the theme of the poll was mini-games, of course Nailbeast was included.

"Should the sound of Nailbeast's attacks be made quieter?" asked Jagex. asked Jagex, to which 28,676 responded "Yes. 19,238 answered "No.

You may have noticed the small number of nail-beast advocates, but nevertheless we are talking about the fact that nail-beasts are still loud. That's because Jagex will only implement such a change if a significant majority - over 70% - is in favor of it. The status quo will continue.

"Please understand," Jagex writes - perhaps with his head in his hands, next to an empty whiskey bottle, in a very dark room, crying - "you want the nailbeast to be louder? Is there a small chance to play the sound at full volume every time you get an XP drop? No, say the players. No, the players say. Please make it louder. Please make the sound louder (:)" and 79+ "Likes"! and in the most threatening emoji I've ever seen, one player writes. Some players type out loudly, "AS LOUD AS POSSIBLE." Try to ignore the mute setting," chimes another diabolical monster.

Meanwhile, on the game's subreddit, one player has suggested that Jagex take another poll asking if players want to turn up the volume. As of this writing, about 842 upvotes suggest that at least that many people agree." "Thank God," wrote another Nail Beast evaluator: "I was going to quit if they turned the sound down." User neoscooby6 hit the nail on the head with Nail Beast as to why it turned out this way: "We like to fuck around a bit here. Well done, community."

Frankly, I respect it. I knew that old-school RuneScape players were simply made differently, but the commitment to the bit here, at the expense of speakers, eardrums, and perhaps sanity, is the same as someone who played the mini-game for nearly 150 hours just to get a raccoon with no crime It's commendable, just as it was for someone who was willing to do it; woe betide the fool who comes between an OSRS player and the punishment he deserves.
