Baldur's Gate 3 mods create the most hellish spell yell: on-demand testicle twisting

Baldur's Gate 3 mods create the most hellish spell yell: on-demand testicle twisting

In what is arguably the pinnacle of both the Baldur's Gate 3 mod and my news writing career, a creator by the name of Estgamers has developed the foulest of BG3 fan-made spells.

Created by a modder named Estgamers, the Testicular Torsion Spell Mod is, well, a testicle twisting spell mod. It adds a new level 1 torsion spell to the game that deals 1d4 force damage to the enemy and twists the body in a comically intense and painful way. As long as the enemy has testicles.

If you don't know (pathetically) what testicle twisting is, it's basically a medical name for literally having your testicles twisted. Anyway, it is one of those things. According to Cambridge University Hospital, it occurs when “the cord that carries blood to the testicles (called the ‘spermatic cord’) twists.”

This is also the superpower of the Testicular Twisting Wizard, a meme mage who goes around scratching the lower abdomen of his enemies. This meme actually originated in D&D, and according to Know Your Meme, it is indeed appropriate that this spell appears in BG3.

If you don't have a caster in your party, don't worry. The mod will add a ring with a Testicular Torsion enchantment to the inventory of Act 1 and 2 vendors in BG3, so you can just get it. It also sounds really devastating. Sure, it starts out as a puny 1-4 force damage, but by the time you cast it in the level 6 spell slot, it's doing 144 damage to multiple targets. Woe to the fool who challenges the testicle-twisting sorcerer!
