Stardew Valley modders decided to eliminate the weak with a hardcore mode that deletes saves when you look at the wiki.

Stardew Valley modders decided to eliminate the weak with a hardcore mode that deletes saves when you look at the wiki.

There is more to Stardew Valley than meets the eye. At first, this cozy living sim seems effortless. All you need to do is produce produce, sell it, expand your homestead, and hopefully make friends in the process. But in reality, there are so many ways to do this, and so much under the surface, that sometimes it feels like the only way to get help is to ask for it on a wiki.

Looking to wikis and guides for extra information is never a bad way to play Stardew Valley. However, one player, inspired by a post on HardDrive (like The Onion, but for the game), decided to create a mod that permanently removes these helpful hints.

This modder, who calls herself Sylvie Nightshade, created a mod called SdvHardcoreMode. It scans the titles of all open windows on your computer and if any window has "Stardew Valley Wiki" in the title, it erases them all. I taught myself SMAPI in two hours for this."

Despite the mod's nickname of Hardcore Mode, it is more of a joke than seriously difficult. Given that no other guides or Google searches are taken into account, one should be able to search for whatever one needs without fear of losing everything, as long as one acts carefully.

If anything, this joke of a mod highlights how awesome the Stardew Valley wiki page is. Maintained by diligent fans, the page has answers to all manner of Stardew Valley questions; Stardew Valley does a good job of teaching new players what they need to know, but unless you pay close attention to what the TV and other villagers say and do, some facts It is easy to slip through the cracks. For example, they know how to get prism jelly, or they realize that if they want someone to dance with them at their first flower dance, they need to make an effort in advance, such as befriending someone who has a gift they like.

But if you are willing to risk everything just to train yourself from searching the Wiki, this mod will certainly help with that. But I'll keep my 37 year old farm away from the possibility of Sam being sporadically deleted because he forgot his most favorite gift.
