Cities: Skylines2 warns players about an oncoming "death wave" that would kill your elderly, "the older your citizen is, the more serious it will be".

Cities: Skylines2 warns players about an oncoming "death wave" that would kill your elderly, "the older your citizen is, the more serious it will be".

Cities: The next patch for Skylines2 will be Economy 2.0, which will be released next week. But before we enjoy everything we offer, Publisher Paradox Interactive wants to highlight a couple of life and death issues. 

No one's save should be broken, but that won't stop the upcoming Economy2.0 patch from confusing your files: "Any save you build and play before the patch will be affected by the changes brought about by the patch," says the Paradox Interactive blog post. "I wanted to share a list of things I might encounter while loading saves after the Economy2.0 patch."

Basically, the first few months after the patch may be a bit odd as the game tries to catch up or offset all the changes the new patch brings. One of the scariest bits of collateral damage that players will have to deal with is that they can treat a large, if not all, portion of your city's elderly population as "the older your citizens are, the more serious it will be," the blog post says. "This is because I want to change the age at which citizens can die more to avoid future death waves — but this only happens after reaper ends in the city"

I don't like how quickly a blog post just gloss over the idea of "death waves" or if I finally decide to launch the city: Skyline 2 Again, I may have to witness a mass of deaths I have not seen since I accidentally ruined my water and sewer pipes in the first game, giving half of my population cholera. But at least this should mark the last major visit from Reaper, so it's a swing and a roundabout, I guess. 

There are also many changes in the economy. "While we initially expect a negative money trend, tax revenue could offset the new costs after recalculation," the blog post says. "If your city is struggling financially, consider increasing taxes, reducing service budgets, or temporarily turning off buildings to save costs."Companies may also see an increase in unemployment as they need time to readjust employee numbers and output. In addition, the demand for new housing density can also cause citizens to relocate or seek another housing. To make the long story short, your game isn't broken just because your city might be doing weird things.

The Economy2.0patch may ruin all mods because Paradox admits there is no guarantee of a modded save."This will be the case for all the mods that will affect the economy, especially as the upcoming patches are the ones that will re-work the most.""

"Be patient with mods who make mods you love, and early access to patches so that some mod creators can update their mods Paradox also recommends that you always "use the empty new playset of the mod or temporarily disable disableModding on the game's Steam launch option" if you don't want to wait for the mod to update. It suggests that there is an "Add to" option to disable all mods."
