Fans of "Baldur's Gate 3" Discover a Hidden Second Approved Score for "Shadowheart," Unlocking Dialogue You've Never Seen After 300 Hours of Play

Fans of "Baldur's Gate 3" Discover a Hidden Second Approved Score for "Shadowheart," Unlocking Dialogue You've Never Seen After 300 Hours of Play

While companion approval is one of the main systems in "Baldur's Gate 3," a friendship meter that determines everything from major plot developments to chances for romance, it turns out that it is not the only metric Larian uses to gauge his relationship with his companion. Spoilers ahead for Shadowheart's story in Baldur's Gate 3.

SlimX on YouTube discovered a "hidden score for Shadowheart," which in the Baldur's Gate 3 script file is called "Nightsong points." These are earned in certain conversations with Shadowheart in acts 1 and 2, and once you have 4 of the 6 points, you unlock a conversation in which she begins to doubt her trust in Shar.

If you have a high approval rating and are able to trigger this conversation, you will not need to convince Shadowheart not to kill Night Song at the end of Act 2. Notably, this seems to affect only Shadowheart's actions in the first two acts, and her final decision regarding Night Song, however it is made, will determine her story in Act III.

In 300 hours of play, three characters have progressed in the story to this point, and there is no indication that there were enough Nightsong points to unlock this dialogue; SlimX has found that some aspects of the system, particularly Shadowheart's supernatural hand wound The opportunity to earn Nightsong points is as follows: [I have some unfinished business in Honour mode, and after the Shadow of the Erdtree mania settles down, I'm going to give one of my sick multi-class builds a shot. I'm going to give it a shot; the video on SlimX's system helpfully outlines the dialog choices needed for Nightsong points and where to avoid pesky buggy interactions.
