Team Fortress 2 plunges into "overwhelmingly negative" on Steam as its biggest fans whip up a righteous flame of anti-bot anger

Team Fortress 2 plunges into "overwhelmingly negative" on Steam as its biggest fans whip up a righteous flame of anti-bot anger

I wrote about the latest campaign of the #Savetf2 movement yesterday and mobilized again to urge Valve to take action against Team Fortress 2's rampant bot problem. The latest operation is 2 approaches: An online petition - signed and emailed to Valve more than 200,000 times - and using the #Fixtf2 hashtag is a popular awareness campaign to show how TF2 has rotten.

TF2's recent review ratings plummeted negatively in large part, thanks to a surge in review bombing that, judging by the graph, began to hit just as the #Fixtf2 campaign spun up to 6/3. The influx of negative reviews is so huge — more than 14,000 have been hit in the last 24 hours — that distorts the scale of the chart and almost shows positive emotions for the game If you look at TF2's overall review history, there was no window where players left nowhere near this many negative reviews. . If you put a gingerly mouse over the individual months on the graph, you can see that even in 2022, when #Savetf2 first appeared, there was a period when TF2 received a tithe of negative reviews as it remained on its last day. I might have thought that players who saw the #Fixtf2 post and wanted to jump on the rage bandwagon and laugh, even if they didn't have much attachment to the game, had left behind a healthy number of these reviews. But from what I can see by browsing through recent reviews, the majority is left by people with dozens of hours of play time on TF2. You might have known better, that is, Team Fortress 2. It's basically an institution. Valve has not yet responded to the latest wave of demands for anti-bot measures. Interestingly, Team Fortress 2's official Twitter account has not tweeted since acknowledging the last widespread protest in 2022. If there is nothing else, the review bombing leaves a fairly obvious mark. Based on what I can gather from the Steam review graph, Team Fortress 2 has a new claim to fame: it's the only one that's below mixed ratings for recent reviews.
