Bamboozled Gray Zone War players are protesting after realizing their faction choice has stopped them from partnering with friends

Bamboozled Gray Zone War players are protesting after realizing their faction choice has stopped them from partnering with friends

The Gray Zone War has had an eventful launch to early access since it went live yesterday. 

Players initially praised the tactical FPS game for not being an escape from tarkov. But a few hours later, more people began to slate new games because of poor performance. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride and it's not over yet. 

Like Tarkov, Gray zone wars are designed to give players meaningful choices and a sense of realism and purpose in their decisions. But this has backfired.1 of these design choices means that the player cannot change the faction after choosing 1.Unless you have to start again from square one or wait for a scheduled progress wipe (via CharlieIntel). The developers highlighted this feature before the game went live, but it's still causing a lot of upset for those who missed the note. 

If you and a friend decide to choose another faction, you will not be able to play together. It's like the Pokemon Go team, but it's an extra annoyance because most players didn't understand what they were signing up for when they were choosing a faction. 

One player expressed this annoyance in a Reddit post as they discussed possible remedies to the problem: "Developers should introduce ways to reset accounts within a few days or more quickly because otherwise this could be a disaster." Friends who do not know that they need to be in the same faction are stuck, and many want to quit rather than not playing with friends."From the sound of things, this is a frustrating issue and an issue that developers should tackle immediately before it becomes a more important issue. 

One player responded to the first post with yet another complaint about this feature: "The problem occurs when you have two sets of friends and both now I'm torn between whether I can play.""

There are several ways for developers to fix this problem. The easiest remedy is to get people to pick a faction at least once again so that they can guarantee that their friends will be on the same page for the second time. To prevent future confusion, we recommend adding disclosures to the game before choosing a faction. This could be a small pop-up box or a mission where the player needs to complete the objective and then pledge allegiance to the faction. 

But in practice, how this problem is fixed is not very important as long as it is. In a pity because it actually does a lot of things right and one of them is a cooperative element and one that is not always present in other extraction shooters, so this game is another way for it to grow and players to pick up and play, because it would be nice to see all the wrinkles smooth in a good time. Excellent O
