Helldivers2 players have a reasonable question: Why has the whole planet turned green?

Helldivers2 players have a reasonable question: Why has the whole planet turned green?

If you've been cruising around Helldivers 2's Terminid boundary planet recently, you might have noticed something strange about the planet Meridia: it's green. It is not unheard of in this particular galaxy, but I understand that Meridia was a beautiful blue tint divided by fluffy white clouds that is one of the most beautiful places I visited at Helldivers2, or, it was until a few days ago.1

Earlier this week, a new patch was dropped and came with a monumental major order to turn off the tower of the Terminid control system going haywire at the border planet. The "Termicide" gas, which led divers to believe controls the diffusion of terminoids in the galaxy, had the opposite effect of exploding populations of Erata Prime, Fenrir III, and Turing bugs. At its center is Meridia.

"Terminid control system failed. Meridia has turned into a super colony," the Super Earth announcement read. "Termicide may be causing faster reproduction. TCS should be disabled immediately.

So Meridia probably turned green for this "super colony", but that leaves an obvious question: What would it look like if we could actually go there?" As you've noticed, its supply lines and even attack lanes are disappearing, completely isolating the planet from the galactic war.

The general theory is that if a current major order can be completed, it will be sent to Meridia. In 3 days, the community was able to free only one of the 3 planets needed 1. Having finished Turing's work (as I write this, it's about half released), I have 2 days left to focus on Erata Prime.

We have experienced surprise attacks and the unexpected arrival of challenging enemies, but never before has the planet been terraformed before our eyes. If you think the tower of TCS, condemned by the excrement of hardened bugs, is in bad shape, anything to make Meridia look a lot dirtier out of orbit

I can't help but think Arrowhead is setting the stage for something relatively big here. Some players are convinced that the massive bug pits of the new "deactivated" mission type suggest that the original Helldiver's powerful enemy, the High Lord, will be back soon.

When that day comes, we are ready.
