While everyone is reacquainting themselves with Fallout, this maniac is bolting on hundreds of mods to turn Fallout 4 into Resident Evil 5.

While everyone is reacquainting themselves with Fallout, this maniac is bolting on hundreds of mods to turn Fallout 4 into Resident Evil 5.

The tagline for Fallout may be "War never changes," but don't let hero-modeler Quinn tell you that. In their Fallout world, war has changed drastically, and zombies, dogs, and lickspittle roam the land, patrolled by the handsomest version of Chris Redfield and a perpetually angry Sheba Alomar. This is "Fallout 4," except it's "Resident Evil 5."

Quin's dedication to Fallout 4 is evident on their YouTube channel, where there are tons of videos showcasing various mods for the game, but the overall theme is definitely Resident Evil. They have produced videos showcasing the Tyrant from Resident Evil 2, R.P.D. buildings, Fallout 4 but it's Resident Evil 4 Remake, and other modifications to Fallout 4 that resemble various entries in the series.

For some reason, the "Resident Evil 5" overhaul caught my attention because the character design of Chris (that arm!) ) is unforgettable, but also because the aesthetic and more action-oriented approach of that film seemed to map very naturally onto Wasteland. It captures the sun-drenched atmosphere and hostility of "Resi 5," and the great soundtrack feels like it was made for the post-apocalypse.

The attention to detail in the UI, precise weaponry, and imported sound effects takes it beyond just throwing Chris into a new setting. There are so many mods involved that it is hard to single out the ones that really matter, but the ones Quin uses to alter these environments create a beautiful blend of styles without completely becoming "Fallout 4" or "Resident Evil 5."

Quin compiled a gdoc listing all the mods he used to transform Fallout 4 into various Resident Evil games, which was obviously a Herculean task. The document is 16 pages long, and I may be counting wrong, but I believe there are 249 mods listed. There are so many that it's a wonder they all play nice together, and I'm sure Quin had a hard time, but I have to say that the cumulative effect is so phenomenal that the effort was worth it.

In any case, it's hilarious that while the world is going crazy for a new Fallout series and fans are returning to the game in droves, one dedicated soul is doing everything in his power to make the Fallout series a completely different series. So far, Quin has posted two videos showcasing his work on recreating Resident Evil 5. The next step will surely be Chris punching rocks and Wesker dashing through the air on a Westlander.
