Dr. Disrespect Calls Twitch a "Gruesome, Disgusting Purple Snake," But Doesn't Explain Why He Was Permanently Banned

Dr. Disrespect Calls Twitch a "Gruesome, Disgusting Purple Snake," But Doesn't Explain Why He Was Permanently Banned

Four years ago, Twitch was the most famous and biggest star on the platform at the time. Owned by Dr. Amazon, the streaming platform has had various fights with prominent users over the years, but when it comes to someone like xQc, the reason for the split (in that case, a lot gambling) is known, with the difference that in the case of Dr.Disrespect, almost nothing is known about what caused such a breach, and the streamer has since opted to take legal action (settled in 2022), so all parties involved are keeping their mouths shut.

Dr. Disrespect is now speaking on-stream about the duration of the ban (time-stamped video below), and while he avoided filling in the blanks, it is clear that there is no love lost between himself and Twitch. In response to a viewer asking if there are any plans for new music from the streamer in the future, he replied:

"I will admit that the purple snake, I mean the slithery nasty purple snake, did it to the two-time winning champion.

In case you are not a fan of Dr. Disrespect, part of his schtick is to claim to be a "two-time champion" of the 1993-4 Blockbuster video game tournament. The streamer keeps referring to the period immediately following the ban and the fact that he and his team have consistently said they were given no reason by Twitch for about a year.

"It was a tough time," he said. 'During that year, we built everything up to that point. We had Nike, we had Oakley, we were talking to Oakley. I'm not kidding, I can bring the Oakley prototype here."

Dr. Disrespect doesn't actually flaunt the Oakley prototype. Finally, he returns to his original question about his side job on the music track.

"It happened that way. I was in an emotional place, a place I'd never been before. And to make a long story short, I'm not kidding about people going through something and writing a song, it adds to the quality and emotion of the song." I'm not saying it's going to produce big hits, but the more you're going through something tough, the easier it is to put together quality ideas for music. So ...... Long answer. No, I'm not making music right now."

So, while I have no new insight into the reason for the ban, especially the expression "snakes," it couldn't be clearer. It is also clear that this was a time when the streamer believed his entire business was in jeopardy, and even though he is long past that stage, the scars have not healed. References to sponsorship deals with Nike, for example, can be found in tweets from a year ago.

The ban was issued in the summer of 2020; in August 2021, Dr. Disrespect announced that he would "sue" Twitch "to the hilt," a settlement reached by mutual agreement in March 2023. At the time, Dr. Disrespect commented: "I have settled my legal dispute with Twitch. No party has admitted any wrongdoing."

The settlement was signed by the two parties.

Subsequently, Dr. Disrespect's name and branding were absolutely banned on Twitch, and the streaming platform began strictly enforcing re-streaming and even references to the star. This has reached a ridiculously trivial level: Twitch banned a chess grandmaster's channel for seeing Dr. Disrespect play chess, and from a Warzone tournament for cosplaying Dr. Disrespect. Banned a streamer. No love has been lost for either side, but who knows if we will ever know the reason for the mutual hostility.
