Free update for Warhammer.Vermintide.2: Vermintide 2 gets a free update with new maps and enemy types.

Free update for Warhammer.Vermintide.2: Vermintide 2 gets a free update with new maps and enemy types.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 has been out for seven years and still continues to get free content updates. Of course, the long-awaited versus mode is still being tested, but Fatshark says that free maps and new types of enemies are on the way.

A Parting of the Waves concludes the Karak Azgaraz campaign. Karak Azgaraz was remastered for Vermintide 2 some time ago. However, this new map is a reworked story with entirely new elements.

The concept is also quite interesting - it's basically a workplace get-together mandated for the Uberslake fivesome: "The heroes are not getting along right now. Today, the Uberslake five are on the verge of falling apart. That's when the jovial Kroeber came up with a brilliant idea! The Five should unite and set sail in pursuit of the Skaven's ship, which is fleeing in defeat on Kazkan Kazakit Ha!"

Listen, I don't know if I would feel particularly warm toward my fellow man if I were given a beating gun and told to fight rats in a storm, but then again, maybe people work better as a team if there is someone above them to hate. Or, as the article says, "The rat slaying united them in the first place, so surely it will help bring them back together."

The update also introduces a new enemy type, but I've never been so anxious for a simpler description: the Chaos Warrior, "armed with a shield and mace. For those who don't know, the Chaos Warrior is one of the deadliest enemies in "Vermintide 2" aside from the bosses. When I was playing as a Kerrian, I had a build that specialized in killing bosses. And now they have shields?

As the blog post promises (or threatens), cooler Chaos Warriors will show up on any map plagued by rotbloods. We need to talk to the cruisers. These things must constitute a safety hazard in the workplace! We can't work in these situations.

After all, it's nice to see Vermintide 2 being updated even if it's a gray-haired mess; Fatshark doesn't always land new games well - "Darktide" had its own problems at launch - but the redemption story and strong post-launch support seem to be constants for this studio, and A Parting of the Waves will be released tomorrow, April 11."
