You are a sexy 90's reality show cameraman.

You are a sexy 90's reality show cameraman.

12 sexy contestants. A tacky Malibu mansion. Eager viewers watch with bated breath as the flirting, the drama, and the heated contests unfold. Yes, reality shows have been a staple of television since the 90s, and the next one is coming to your PC.

The Crush House is, as developer Nerial (Card Shark, Reigns) describes it, "a darkly comic thirst shooter. You are the cameraman in The Crush House, but as you will soon find out, your job is more than just pressing the record button.

First, you choose four of the 12 sexy cast members, each with their own unique characteristics. Joyumi is a competitive "sexy ice queen" who hates to be criticized and prefers the finer things in life. Alex is the "Human Golden Retriever" who surfs and avoids commitment; the two quickly begin to interact, talking, arguing, flirting, and eventually even kissing and slapping each other.

What happens in "Crush House" is not up to you, at least not at first. You record the show with a hand-held camera and follow the cast members as they hang out in the mansion. But as the four singles split into duos and head to different locations in the house, you have to decide what to film and what not to film. one show, one camera.

The show is streamed live, and feedback from viewers is immediate. They request things like more shots of their hips. If we adjust the zoom and camera angles to capture more of the contestants' butts, certain segments of the audience will love it and fill the icon meter on the screen. The challenge is to satisfy different segments of the audience at the same time. For example, some viewers are interested in gardening, so if you can get a shot of a contestant standing in front of a plant and showing her butt, you can satisfy two groups at once. If enough viewers remain interested, more episodes can be shot, and eventually more seasons can be shot with different contestants.

However, one must remember that this is television. They also need to make money, so whenever they are not actively filming, they are running commercials. What is interesting about these little ads are the ones made by other indie developers for their upcoming Devolver games. One commercial was for the walking simulator Baby Steps. One commercial was for the walking simulator Baby Steps. Butt fans will absolutely love it.

Your work is not done when the daily shoot is over. At night, you can use the money you earn from advertising to buy new items for the mansion, which may come into play in future episodes. For example, one of the props is a statue of two people fighting, and when contestants are near this statue, they can actually get them to fight. If you have viewers who like to watch slap fights, this is a great way to boost their well-being in the next episode.

But when the night is over... Your work is not yet done. There is more going on at this Malibu mansion than meets the eye, and you begin to receive mysterious messages from an unknown sender and encounter cast members who, despite your work rule of "don't talk to the talent," secretly want you to do them a favor. Strange things are indeed happening behind the scenes of "Crash House," and you need to find out what they are: ...... As if they don't have their hands full with the cheeky contestants demanding an audience.

There is no specific release date for The Crush House yet, but it is scheduled for release in 2024. Check out some screenshots:

