Hell Diver 2" cheetahs play with new guns and wild new rocket launchers as early as next week.

Hell Diver 2" cheetahs play with new guns and wild new rocket launchers as early as next week.

Helldivers 2's new Warbond will be released next week, but if you are one of the Helldivers 2 players using cheat software to access unreleased content, Democratic Detonation is already here. Thousands of players have joined to get an early look at the guns on offer, including grenade pistols, exploding crossbows, and scoped rifles that fire jet-assisted rounds. But the weapon I am most interested in is the leaked rocket launcher. [The leak was made by YouTuber WiLLiSGaming, who got the gameplay from someone who hacked in and obtained the new element.

There's not much to say about Demolitions' Demolitions gun before we try it out ourselves, but there were a few things to note next week:

A support weapon that many divers have been seeing in leaks for a while now, They may be more interested in the airburst rocket/launcher. Its rectangular rocket and launcher have the look of a classic video game RPG, but its output is not typical: the airburst rocket explodes on impact and then expands into a cloud of 12 smaller explosions. Players have tested its damage (which may change by the time it can be seen in-game) and it is quite impressive.

The huge AoE of each rocket obliterates dense enemies and, judging from the video above, is not to be underestimated against chargers. The airbursts are almost the exact opposite of the Quasar Cannon, all splash damage, but they don't hit one spot as hard. It may not do as much direct damage to the hulk as the Quasar or Recoilless.

However, it is the airborne enemy that Airburst excels at. Both terminids and automatons now have air champions in shriekers and gunships. In leaked footage, a single rocket-propelled grenade knocks down a swarm of shriekers in a cloud of explosions.

Given recent events, it won't be long before we will be using these. Super Earth suggests that anti-aircraft weapons are being developed at a rapid pace, and airburst launchers may be the next strategy in the Helldivers 2 lineup.
